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New User Registration

  • Email is unique for every user. As such, same email address cannot be used for registration of another user.

  • To register a user account, user must have an active and working email address.

  • User may choose password as per his choice. If the password does not met with the minimum requirement, appropriate error message will be displayed.

  • After registration of user, an account verification email will be sent to the user on the email address provided by the user during the registration process. After successful verification of email, user account will be activated.

  • For any reason, if user has not received the account verification email, user can also initiate "Reset Password" for afresh email for account/email verification.

User Login

  • User can login using his/her email as login ID and the current password of the account.

  • As a security measure, the user account will be locked for 10 minutes after 5 repeated unsuccessful attempts to login in the user account.

  • If user has forgotten his password, user may "Reset Password".

  • System uses Cookies to store certain cryptic important information on the user's device to identify user. System cannot be used in effective manner if user has disabled the Cookies.

Password Reset

  • Password reset link will be sent in email on the registered email address.

  • On clicking the link sent in email, user will be redirected to the page, where user may set fresh password to login in his account.

  • User may also use "Reset Password" for email verification of his account request as well as email address.

Advocate Directory

Directory Listing

  • Advocate Directory is a free online directory service for advocates.

  • Every advocate enrolled and registered as per provisions of local law applicable in the relevant region, is entitled to add his/her detail in the directory.

  • Before adding or updating his/her detail in the directory, user must login in his/her account.

  • After adding/editing detail in the directory, concerned advocate is required to submit copy of document containing his/her enrollment number through email only. If advocate intends to activate his/her office with the System, this step may be skipped.

  • In case of Law-Firm, provide "Bar Council Registeration Detail" of your Office Administrator or the Law-Firm (if registered as legal person with the concerned Bar Council.

  • Example: In Enrollment No. "D/123/1950", Bar Code is "D", Enrollment No is "123" and Year is "1950".

  • In the column "Place of Practice", advocate must enter name of the Court where he/she mainly appears or wants to appear in his/her usual course of practice. Name of only one Court is permissible.

  • In the column "City of Practice", advocate must enter name of the City where he/she mainly practice or wants to practice in his/her usual course of business. Only one City Name is permissible.

  • Once everything is found in order, Advocate Listing Detail will be activated and made public.

Update Directory Profile

  • In case there is some error in listing detail or some data is missing or needs updation, advocates may update their profile to include/update all the revelant information. Advocate can update his/her profile only by signup/login the system using his/her email as login ID.

  • In order to improve visibility in search engines, update profile to include all revelant details.

  • Besides updating profile, advocates may also submit their self-appraisal to improve visibility in search engines.

  • In order to further improve visibility of profile in search engines, advocates may also ask their clients/friends to submit feedbacks/reviews to their listing page. Feedback/reviews by clients are very relevant for engaging new clients through internet platform. Share profile page with friends and clients to get more reviews and improve search visibility.

  • Advocates are also advised to reply all the reviews/feedbacks and try to include as much key-words as they can, in their reply to improve visibility in search engines. It also shows eagerness of the advocate to provide the best services to the clients.

  • Users may also install android app from "Google Play Store" to get the all the functionalities at fingertips. Installing App will also enable the user to instantly get all the notifications including the query submitted by clients to the advocate, on mobile devices.

  • If, for any reason, advocate does not want to show his/her listing detail in the directory or ceased to be part of nobel legal profession as advocate, he/she may update his/her profile and deactivate listing profile.

Directory Criteria

  • For the best experiene of the users, in order to suggest best advocate in the relevant area, GLC has adopted a search criteria in Advocate Directory.

  • Advocates with highest rating score will be given first priority.

  • Advocates with highest Reviews/Feedbacks will be given second priority.

  • Advocates who are member (seniority-wise) will be given third priority.

Suggestions for clients while contacting advocate

  • It has been observed that advocates are usually very busy during first half of the day. As such, it is best to contact the advocate during second half of the day unless and untill it is very important / urgent or has been specifically asked by the advocate.

  • Never call advocate during odd hours and early in the morning unless and untill it is very important / urgent or has been specifically asked by the advocate.

  • If advocate does not answer your call, always retry after some time, preferrably after 15 to 20 minutes, as it is never expected from advocate to answer call on mobile phone leaving the case unattended before the court of law.

  • While contacting your advocate, always keep handy detail of your case and communicate the same to the advocate at first instance, so that your advocate may recollect the case and advise you properly within shortest possible time.

  • It has been observed that advocates usually have very busy schedule. Therefore, it is always advisable to be specific to your issue while contacting your advocate.

  • While sending documents to your advocate, always make sure that the documents are quite legible as illegible documents affect the performance and is also likely to waste valuable time of the advocate.

  • While sending documents to your advocate, always include detail of document alongwith detail of your case so that it is easy to locate at any point of time. In addition, always try to send documents through email as on email, it is easy to locate and take printout of the document.

  • Result of the case can never be the only guiding factor for assessing performance of advocate. Always assess the performance of advocate keeping in view all the relevant factors.

  • Never submit feedback/reviews for advocate just to malign his/her image. Always submit feedback/reviews only after assessing performance of advocate keeping in view all the relevant factors so that it is also helpful for advocate as well as other visitors. Always keep your feedback/reviews short and concise and try to not repeat the feedback/reviews of other users.

Referral Program


  • General Law Consultants has introduced Referral Program for benefits of users of Advocate Online Advocate Management System.

  • In the Referral Program, for every successful referral, user will be entitled to get certain incentive in the form of Reward Points which can be en-cashed at any point.

  • For more information, please see "Referral Program".

Office Activation

New Office Activation

  • Every advocate enrolled and registered as per provisions of local law applicable in India, is entitled to manage his/her office with the "Advocate Online Office Management System".

  • In order to manage office with the "Advocate Online Office Management System", user must register his/her relevant detail in the Advocate Directory. For procedure for providing such details in the Advocate Directory, please see "Directory Listing".

  • After adding detail in the advocate directory, goto "Activate Office" from the system Main Menu Bar.

  • On the office activation page, system will ask you to confirm your detail (if detail has already not been confirmed) in the advocate directory. Confirm your detail and click "Submit".

  • After confirmation of the detail in the advocate directory, system will sent the user/advocate to "Office Activation Request Verification" page, where all the terms and conditions for activation of office will be displayed. Charges, if any, will also be displayed. If all the terms and conditions as well as charges (if any) are acceptable, enter "Human Verification Code" in the "Confirm Human Verification Code" provided at the bottom of the page and press "Agree and Submit" button.

  • After agreeing with the terms and conditions as well as Charges (if any), System will initiate the procedure and will provision the necessary data files and the requisite entries in the system database for Activation of the Office and will forward the User/Advocate to the "Office Activation" page.

  • On "Office Activation" page, Charges (if any) will again be displayed. On pressing the "Activate Now" / "Pay Now" button (as may be applicable), the Office will be activated.

Office Subscription Charges

Client Section

Creating/Editing Clients

  • Every case must be linked to client's profile. In addition to the client, you may also add link to profile of a person who has referred the case to you or to whom, you have referred the case.

  • If you also want to link the profile of a Referrer/Referred with the case, profile of such person is also required to be created treating such person as a Client.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • There is no charges for adding/editing detail in the directory.

  • In case of membership, for office subscription plans, please see "Office Subscription".

Office Activation

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