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Litigation Help Center

Litigation Help Center has been established for the help of clients in perusing their litigation before the Court of Law while maintaining the privacy of their issue/litigation.

For this purpose, we have already prepared a panel of competent persons including experienced advocates to guide the client in any kind of litigation. Court-wise teams (one team for each Court) have been prepared for proper guidance of the client in an effective manner.

Every ticket generated by the client is being treated and processed at the highest priority and replied within minimum possible time.

Every ticket generated by the client will be assigned to a competent Team-Member having sufficient experience at Bar to guide the client without any charges. If the client is satisfied with the guidance provided by the Team-Member, client, at his own discretion, may also avail his/her services in perusing the litigation.

Team Member Enrollment

In Litigation Help Center, we have already prepared a panel of competent persons including experienced advocates to guide the client in any kind of litigation. Court-wise teams (one team for each Court) have been prepared for proper guidance of the client in an effective manner.

Considering the need for more teams to covers various Courts established in various parts of India and to guide the litigants by providing free legal aid to them, Applications are invited for the enrollment in the teams for various courts all over India, subject to the following terms and conditions: -

  1. Applicant must be enrolled with the Bar Council established in India as per provisions of Advocates Act, 1961 (as amended from time to time).

  2. Applicant must be having experience at Bar for more than 5 years.

  3. Applicant must be member of General Law Consultants. To be eligible for empanelment, please make sure that applicant already activated his office with General Law Consultants on the website: and has already registered sufficient cases clearly depicting his experience at Bar and he is regularly maintaining his office with us.

  4. Only 10 members will be included in each Team (court-wise). Considering the area of jurisdiction of the concerned Court and requirement, the number of team members may be increased at the discretion of General Law Consultants. If more than 10 applications are received for a particular team, the applicant with higher experience will be given preference.

  5. Applicant must agree to guide the client with a valid Help Ticket without any charges (consultation or any other charges). However, if the client is satisfied with the provided guidance, he may avail the services of such applicant in perusing his litigation.

  6. The applicant must agree with all the terms and conditions settled by General Law Consultants from time to time.

  7. Any acceptance of the application will be subject to the periodic review/assessment and if his act and conduct is not found suitable, he may be removed from the panel any time without any notice, at the discretion of General Law Consultants.

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